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Everything You Need to Know About J Krishnamurthy's ideology

Writer's picture: Satya BabaSatya Baba

The highest form of intelligence is the ability to observe without evaluating."

Explanation: Krishnamurti believed that true intelligence involves observing the world without imposing our own judgments or biases on what we see.

"The only way to bring peace to the earth is to learn to make our own life peaceful."

Explanation: Krishnamurti believed that true peace can only be achieved when each individual cultivates inner peace within themselves.

"Freedom and love go together. Love is not a reaction. If I love you because you love me, that is mere trade, a thing to be bought in the market; it is not love. To love is not to ask anything in return, not even to feel that you are giving something- and it is only such love that can know freedom."

Explanation: Krishnamurti believed that true love is not based on conditions or expectations, but is a selfless and unconditional state of being.

"The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence."

Explanation: Krishnamurti believed that true intelligence involves observing the world without imposing our own judgments or biases on what we see.

"Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect."

Explanation: Krishnamurti believed that truth is beyond any particular religion or philosophy, and can only be discovered through one's own individual inquiry and experience.

"It is only when the mind is free from the old that it meets everything anew, and in that there is joy."

Explanation: Krishnamurti believed that true joy can only be found when the mind is free from past conditioning and is able to approach each moment with fresh eyes and an open heart.

"The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed."

Explanation: Krishnamurti believed that love has the power to transform not only our individual lives, but also the world around us.

"Tradition becomes our security, and when the mind is secure it is in decay."

Explanation: Krishnamurti believed that relying too heavily on tradition and past knowledge can prevent the mind from growing and evolving.

"To be religious is to be sensitive to reality."

Explanation: Krishnamurti believed that true religion involves being open and sensitive to the underlying reality of the world.

"The whole world is in our own minds. To control our minds, we control the world."

Explanation: Krishnamurti believed that our perception of the world is shaped by our own thoughts and beliefs, and that by changing our minds we can change the world around us.

"The moment you understand yourself as the true Self, you find such peace and bliss that the impressions of the petty enjoyments you experienced before become as ordinary specks of light in front of the brilliant sun."

Explanation: Krishnamurti believed that true understanding of the self can lead to a profound sense of peace and joy that transcends all worldly pleasures.

"A mind that is seeking is not a passionate mind and to come upon love without seeking it is the only way to find it – to come upon it unknowingly and not as the result of any effort or experience."

Explanation: Krishnamurti believed that true love cannot be sought or attained through effort or experience, but can only be discovered through an open and receptive mind.

"You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it. That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is why you must sing and dance, and write poems, and suffer, and understand, for all that is life."

Explanation: Krishnamurti believed that true understanding and fulfillment in life comes from embracing all aspects of existence, not just focusing on one narrow area.

"The individual is of first importance, not the system; and as long as the individual does not understand the total process of himself, no system can bring order and peace to the world." Explanation: Krishnamurti believed that true change and transformation in the world can only come from individual self-awareness and understanding, rather than relying solely on external systems or structures.

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